Reach for the stars…and beyond
Reach for the stars...and beyond. Keep reaching. That's the only way to discover life and live well enough to surpass its challenges.
Reach for the stars...and beyond. Keep reaching. That's the only way to discover life and live well enough to surpass its challenges.
One of the wonders of being an artist is sharing my music with a supportive and enthusiastic audience. Completing a project and releasing it into the world always resonates excitement…
A moment comes when every artist must answer this basic question: is my creativity meant to express my outlook and how I feel, or is my purpose to help my…
Many events and circumstances arise that beckon us to help people and we should not hesitate to reach out whenever possible. Sadly, the response to offer support often falters when…
the lashing of tempest seas mortals scarcely imagine under sundrenched skies natures distant turbulence strewn across stony headlands hours passed round the windswept lighthouse watching memories roll over and drown…
Among the many profound expressions of faith I have often found this prayer quite comforting. For Our Loved Ones We seem to give them back to thee, O God,…
Love is in the spirit Alive in the world We need to share it in our world Share it between us Live as complete persons Do we pray? Contemplate mysteries…
Dear Friends, Nothing in life is more precious than sharing time with those whom we love, especially as together we watch the last grains of sand drift through the hourglass.…
our mourning doves flew with love on the wing far out of sight where only hearts ever see the newborn sun illumine eyes magnificent still I listened even after winds…
Happy New Year! I decided to kick off 2013 by updating the Vertical Tales playlist with 13 tracks that highlight the full Vertical Leap discography, from film scores to jazz…