Hostage Situation!

Silly Rascal has kidnapped my favorite hat! We are in serious negotiations so please wish us luck…
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Have a great week!

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This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. Deb

    Awwww! Let him have both. 🙂

  2. Roxie

    adorable! love the mug as you hold the treat, so focused!

  3. Lost Creek Publishing

    Quite often two or three of our cats take over my office chair. I can’t do anything until they decide I can.

  4. angela

    …how did she get that hat? terribly terribly cute!

    1. George Mahn III

      Lol…now that’s a probing question! I seem to recall walking through the door and…Ok, I was wrestling with her on the floor when she swiped it. She made off with the same hat a month or so ago while I was celebrating the Cardinals win over the Braves in the wild card game. I was so happy I let her have it, for a moment! And that’s why I named her Rascal!

      1. angela

        No you know that once you give a pup permission to play with something, or get on a bed, chair, etc…in their mind, they now have that permission for Life! This made me smile, thou, for I figured that she perhaps swiped it in play… gotta love ’em ~

      2. George Mahn III

        Great point. It wouldn’t be nearly as much fun around here if she couldn’t play with things!

    1. George Mahn III

      Thanks again! Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

      1. Summer

        You’re very welcome! And thank you

  5. Francina

    lol! good luck, George 🙂
    How could one resist such a dog, she is adorable 🙂
    groetjes, Francina

    1. George Mahn III

      Thanks, Francina! I agree, she wins everytime! 🙂
      Cheers, George

  6. clover58

    I like your sense of humor over the situation! One has to have fun once in awhile, even a Rascal!

    1. George Mahn III

      No doubt! She’s a Rascal at heart and I think we both have fun playing it up!

  7. Eric Alagan

    So, George – did you rescue your hat 🙂

    1. George Mahn III

      Hey Eric, we managed to negotiate a peaceful exchange! 🙂

  8. BeWithUs

    I simply love her do-you-think-I-would-settle-for-just-one expression…LOL…cute!
    Cheers!! 😀

    1. George Mahn III

      Lol…she never accepts one without looking for another!
      Cheers! 🙂

      1. BeWithUs

        Yes indeed…my pup was just like that…never stops at one!
        Have a lovely day ahead and do send my regards (Woof) to S.R…Cheers!! 😀

        1. George Mahn III

          More treats make a happy dog…and a bit of running to work them all off!
          We picked up Rascal one year ago today (just six weeks old) so I surprised her with a giant bone to mark the occasion. She’s still as silly as ever!

          1. BeWithUs

            LOL…the word “Full” is never in the dictionary of my pup..hehe…
            You have one silly…but lovable dog…A big CHEER for SR!!

          1. BeWithUs


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